

Tomato is one of the most important vegetables because of its special nutritive value. It contains protein, fiber, sugar, fat, carbohydrate, vitamins and minerals. Tomatoes are used for soup, salad, pickles, ketchup, puree, sauces and in many other ways.

Tomato purée is a thick liquid made by cooking and straining tomatoes. The difference between tomato paste, tomato purée, and tomato sauce is consistency; tomato puree has a thicker consistency and a deeper flavour than sauce. Tomato puree is more than just a base for sauces; it’s a nutrient-rich superfood that offers numerous health benefits. Incorporating tomato puree into your diet can enhance your meals and provide a range of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

Tomato health benefits

The water content of tomatoes is around 95%. The other 5% consists mainly of carbohydrates and fiber.

Here are the nutrients in a small (100-gram) raw tomato:

  • Calories: 18
  • Water: 95%
  • Protein: 0.9 grams
  • Carbs: 3.9 grams
  • Sugar: 2.6 grams
  • Fiber: 1.2 grams
  • Fat: 0.2 grams

Tomato Products

Tomato, commonly known as a vegetable fruit, is eaten fresh or in various processed forms like dried, purée, paste, ketchup, sauce, soup, and canned whole-peeled. These items are used to enhance the taste of different types of foods. Tomato puree can serve as a substitute for fresh tomatoes when cooking.

Tomato recipes around the world

Tomatoes play a crucial role in culinary practices globally, commonly incorporated into a range of recipes to showcase their versatile taste and adaptability. The vibrant color and delicious taste of tomatoes elevate both Italy’s famous Margherita pizza and Mexico’s flavorful Pico de Gallo. From zesty Indian curries to refreshing Spanish gazpacho, they demonstrate adaptability across various cooking styles, elevating the taste of meals. Chefs and home cooks appreciate the natural acidity, sweetness, and versatility of ingredients in order to complement different flavors.

Health benefits of tomatoes

Heart health

Heart diseases including heart attacks and strokes are the world’s most common cause of death. Clinical studies of tomato products indicate benefits against inflammation and markers of stress. They also show a protective effect on the inner layer of blood vessels and may decrease risk of blood clotting.

Cancer prevention

Cancer involves abnormal cells that grow uncontrollably and can extend into other areas of the body. Observational research has identified connections between tomatoes and tomato products and reduced occurrences of prostate, lung, and stomach cancers. While the high lycopene content is believed responsible, high-quality human research needed to confirm the cause of these benefits. A study in women shows that high concentrations of carotenoids found in high amounts in tomatoes may protect against breast cancer.

Skin Health

Tomatoes are considered beneficial for skin health. It contains plant compounds like lycopene which help prevent sunburn.

Health Benefits of Tomato Puree

Tomato Puree contains high levels of antioxidants and phytochemicals. Lycopene compounds have the potential to lower the risk of specific cancer types. Lycopene is associated with numerous health advantages. They provide high levels of vitamin C, K, potassium, and folate. Tomatoes consist mostly of water and have a low carb content.
  • Tomato puree contains vitamin C, which supports mental health and contributes to skin.
  • Reduce the risk of cancer.
  • Reduce the risk of heart diseases.
  • May provide you with protection from lung and prostate cancer.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits of consuming tomato puree?

Tomato puree is rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants which help in managing blood pressure, controlling cholesterol and improving the overall immune of the body.

What are the benefits of consuming tomato puree?

Yes, we can surely substitute tomato puree for fresh tomatoes as it provides numerous health benefits.

Is tomato puree good for skin health?

Tomato puree is great for skin health as it contains plant compounds like lycopene which help prevent sunburn.